Sometimes I sit and wonder what in the world I am doing with my life. Some days I'm like yep this, this is where I'm supposed to be. More often than not though, I'm sitting and stressing over what I HAVE to do so I don't disappoint someone else. So I hold myself to what someone else needs or wants me to do rather than take care of myself and say no when I need to say no.
That look of disappointment from a loved one when you know what decision they wanted you to make and you can feel them calling you selfish for choosing to make yourself happy for a second. That letting down friends because you really just don't want to be social. That not choosing to do something that you're expected to do because you really just can't and you want to be there and prove yourself and do all the things but it's gonna be the straw that breaks your back if you add one more piece.

That's right, by not giving yourself permission to live your best life you are giving others permission to steal your joy, even if they don't mean to. Stop it. Say to yourself, right now, "I deserve my best life." Because you do. Letting go of things is hard. Moving on is hard. But not doing the best for you will kill you faster than you ever expected. Don't be afraid to stand up for you and your needs. Don't be afraid to be your own advocate.
I'm not saying to turn your back on your loved ones with a "whateva, I do what I want" type of attitude. But whatever you do don't be what's blocking you. Find your best fit. it might not be balanced 50/50. Maybe you're a 70/30 or an 80/20 kind of girl but never forget that if you give your 100% to the world there's nothing left of you. Be the most amazing beautiful human you can be!!
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