Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A Journey of Growth Isn't One of Comfort

This past weekend I took a big step outside of my comfort zone. I flew halfway a across the country for the second time in 6 months. Except, this time I was "all by myself." It was probably the scariest thing I've done in awhile. It's no secret that I'm a southern country girl. I accept that. So maneuvering airports, especially DFW which is the size of a small town, and renting a car for the first time and driving myself through a big city I know nothing about was nerve racking. But I did it. Each step I was like, "ok, one more step, you got this." And you know what? I did have it.  Yes, I was meeting some amazing people there but I was stepping all out of my bubble. I have a tendency to do what I know. But I committed to this and, well, I was gonna see it through.

I'm so glad I did. I went looking for something. I didn't know what but it was something. See, last summer, when I left Success School, I really thought I had a plan. I had figured out my purpose in life and I was ready. I paid off my first credit card and I was on my way Except it didn't work out that way, and my world crumbled shortly thereafter. I was devastated and depressed again and going through the motions. It was not a fun time to be me. And while I pulled myself back together into a semblance of "got it together adult," I was still a little lost on my future. I was focused on work, and starting back to school (again,) but I had just accepted that it was gonna take me a million years to pay off my debt so I was just gonna not even.

Enter, February 1st. The day of conquering. I did it. I got into that stadium and surrounded by familiar faces and opened up my hearts ears ready to be poured into. And I was. There were 3 big takeaways for me. The first was a story about a young woman who at 27 years old had no children, owned a Saturn and had close to $30,000 worth of debt. At 30, she was living with her mom; she was broke and broken. She was me. She's now 34 and she has an amazing life at her fingertips. She showed me what my past could mean for my future.

The second story was about a young lady who at 21 had everything life could ask for because she worked hard and stayed focused. She had no idea where she was going with it though. She didn't know what set her heart on fire. She knew she could make choices but a life without a purpose as I've discussed before is one you don't hold onto. But you know what she told me? your purpose will surface. Just because I don't have all the answers right now I can work towards it. I won't be lost forever. I'm fixing the roof before it rains. I took that advice and set myself small attainable goals: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and a year out. Things I could work toward till I found my vision.

The last on, taught me that Rome wasn't built in a day. She made sure I knew that I could change my direction, one degree at a time. I didn't have to put all this pressure on myself to figure it all out yesterday. Setting goals that I can meet will keep me encouraged. So no matter how small that goal may seem, I will celebrate it. As long as I'm headed in the right direction I'm doing just fine. She also said, my direction will change again and that's okay too. I have to change directions more than once to make real progress in my future. Life takes twists and turns all the time and I am fired up to see where this yellow brick road leads. 

I want to thank these ladies. You see, they have no idea who I am today, but one day they will. Cynthia Pena, Lauren Kirshblum, and Kristie McGihon(who I kinda geeked about seeing in the airport lol), thank you for your stories. Thank you for your inspiration. Y'all left a mark on me that I am so grateful for and I look forward to growing just as you did. An Emerald 9 star, a rising star, a hall of famer. Amazing ladies to look up to. This company has given me an opportunity, but the culture of Advocare is love and acceptance to see me where I stand and that is something I can never be too grateful for. And Torrie and Cricket, thank you ladies for cheerleading when I need it but more so for caring when you didn't have to. For showing me this is about relationships and friendships over everything..

We win by helping others win. It's not about me. It's about helping other people, help other people. Truly a one of a kind community. I'm so lucky to have landed here.

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