Ever just wake up to a good day?! That's today. I didn't sleep well. I never do but for some reason when I woke up I just knew it was gonna be a good day. The word of the day is "sassy" and I am feeling it. I was told multiple times today that I was sassy. It's the red pants, I think. I'm embracing my inner "Rosie the Riveter." Pin-up hair, make-up did, outfit on point. Just having a fabulous feeling day for some kind of reason. I'm not about to question it though.

No sleep, hormones raging and still choosing to embrace the positive. It's hard sometimes to embrace the good and let the negative roll down your back. It's hard to choose to be happy when you have numerous reasons to not be. It's worth it though. Again it's not depression you can just choose not to feel but, you know, those everyday blues that just make you do all the complaining. Those you can chose to avoid, and you totally should. You'll thank me for it later!
Stop! Right now. Think about something that pissed you off today. Take a deep breath and let it go. Now do it again but this time think about something that made you smile today? If there was nothing that made you smile here... (see below)
Okay, feel better? Now isn't that nice? Don't you want to feel that awesome as often as possible. Me too. I've walked around every day with a ridiculous weight on my shoulders before. It was not a fun time. I do not recommend. So try to take that little bitty step and find a reason to smile even if only for a second. Even if it's something you know you probably shouldn't be laughing at. It's not the end of the world and you're not a horrible person. Sometimes you just gotta embrace whatever that thing is.
Next step, say one thing you're thankful for. I don't care if you write it down in a journal(I love journals. I have about 20.) Put it on a private blog. Post it on facebook. Tell someone. Shout it to thin air on a mountain top. Just be thankful for something. It really gives you some perspective and a reminder to find a little humility. I don't care if you're religious or spiritual or if you just don't give a damn it truly does something all up in your insides to show thanks and you won't regret it.
Simply complete one random act of kindness a day. I don't mean you have to spend money or pay it forward. You don't always have to invest in someone else to do something kind. I totally do not object if you want to do for others but remember you are a somebody too. You can do something kind for you and change your whole outlook on something. Take care of you. We all know this world sucks sometimes but we also know we can't change it alone and we can't do it in a day. Never feel bad for taking care of you and being good to you. You're worth it, you beautiful human!
Now sass it up and get the ish, whatever it may be, done. You got this!
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