Life ain't always easy. Like ever. Life ain't always pretty either. Life is a constant roller coaster it seems. But today, today is challenge day. I love challenges because they're a reset for your body. I have not treated my gut right these last couple months so it's nice to know that I have the opportunity to give my tummy a tuneup. 24 days. A reboot for the fourth. Which is better known as my 29th birthday. Yeah age is coming with a vengeance.
In preparation yesterday, I made it to the grocery store with a meal plan in mind and everything. I cooked chicken in the crock-pot while I caught up on some homework. My products were wet-up I had a plan. Last night, I went to bed and it was one of those nights where sleeping wasn't a real thing. I took some melatonin thinking that might help and I was wrong. I still didn't sleep and this morning I was groggy and couldn't make myself get up. So here I am, just like old time, running out the door way too late. I managed to grab some of my food and pop a probiotic before I left home. I looked a hot mess but at least I managed clean clothes and brushed teeth.
Get to work only 2 minutes behind schedule. Not so bad considering my track record in life. But my boss had been out all week last week so our morning meeting was long. Then I had to come to terms with all the things I’ve been unable to accomplish in the last week or so. Folder on folder of just things that needed dire attention. You know that meme that says life is like riding a bike except the bike is on fire and you’re on fire and well, everything is on fire. That’s basically my job Monday to Friday every week.
Thankfully at about 10 I was able to chug some water and fiber and spark it up. Followed by a yummy protein shake because who has time for eating around here. At one point I found a banana to curb the hunger a couple hours later. Come lunch time and the hell breaketh lose once more. I swear I answered phone calls one after the other for 30 minutes straight. I got lunch around 3:30. Like supper time. And I’m a slacker because I decided to write whilst sipping soup because honestly if I didn’t I’d spend the last hour at work crying tears I couldn’t stop.
Fun fact: today hasn’t even been a bad day or a hard day… It’s just on fire. But what’s new. I will stay late and work hard and manage to scarf a sandwich and and keep on keeping on. I’ll take my night time regimen. Shower(maybe even some shower yoga) and pass the hell out.

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