So yesterday, I saw
a post about body shaming. Not what you would first think I'm sure.
It was a “joke” regarding a woman's figure and a comparison to a
12 year old boy. I know, I'm not skinny or flat-chested by any means,
but I can see why someone would easily be offended by this. It's not
that you can't have an opinion it's that you're ignorant to the
feelings of others and how your words can affect them.
This was a person I
love as family and normally I would avoid calling them out but I
couldn't this time. It needed to be addressed. Well, regardless of my
good intentions my comments got deleted and I realized people will
never change their opinions until they feel obligated to try. That is
hard. To come to terms with the fact that you might need to take off
the rose-colored glasses.
Ignorance has got to
be the most blissful of feelings. To go unknowing of negativity or
having to feel no guilt about the things you put others through. I
mean, I don't know that feeling but in theory it sounds peaceful.
What do you do when someone jars your ignorance with reality?

Most people deny,
deny, deny. Denial is the simplest way to not have to face your
truths that the world isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Maybe avoid
the fact that you broke rule number one: “Don't be a dick.”
Inevitably, you'll probably be a dick. You stated your opinion
because you felt it was the one true opinion but take a step back.
Yeah, I know it isn't ideal. It's uncomfortable to consider how
others might be affected. But do it anyway.
Feel that? That's
that realization that you probably offended someone and they
rightfully got upset? If you don't think they had any right to get
upset you probably didn't walk far enough in their shoes. Straighten
your moral compass and try again.
Now that we've
gotten there try to actively admit you were wrong. It's okay to be
wrong. Ain't nobdy on this planet perfect. Not a single one. We all
make mistakes. We all step on toes but you know what separates folks?
The ability to give a sincere apology for being a dick. Yep, that's
right. Say you're sorry. Now, was that really so hard? No, no it
wasn't. Now you feel better. They feel better. We've put some
positive vibes and good karma out into the Universe. Way to be a
stand-up guy… or girl or whatever you identify as.
You did it! Now lets
have some calorie-free celebration cake.
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