Thursday, December 14, 2017
Life isn't always bad. I'm not a pessimist... I try to be an optimist but mostly just get hit with the realism. I wish I could be positive all the time. There's a regular Jiminey in my life who I sometimes envy because she has such grace and poise and positivity and while I strive for her greatness, I often fail. I haven't quiet gotten aold of giving myself grace yet and I still have a habit of taking on the negative thoughts and view in my head. Especially when it comes to me. Hell, I stayed out of my mind for years because I couldn't stand that girl. She was worthless and made the worst decisions.
I don't hate me anymore. But some days, some days I can't stop the noise. The useless, pathetic, annoying female echoes in my brain and the tears that fall and reinforce how much I give life to what I'm hearing. In the sunlight, I know the logic, I do. I'm not those things but when you're at your weakest you forget you at your strongest. And thinking happy thoughts doesn't really fix it. In those moments, you forget that there is happiness. I try to focus my energy on helping others. By letting their lives give mine purpose when I can't seem to find my own purpose.
That's the root right there. I don't know my own purpose. I thought I found it once but it turns out that wasn't the case. Here I am, nearly 30. Broke. Working at a job that would replace me in a second, rather than make sure I can afford to eat. (Speaking of, so need to get my eating habits under control... and stop letting my mood affect my motivation. Another story, another day.) I have those goals and dreams I mentioned earlier. I have a vision board in front of me at work and one hanging on my bedroom door that I see every day. I'm not without vision, only purpose.
I'm stuck in the planning stages. How do I turn those goals into reality when I stand so firmly in my own way so often. It drives me to the brink of insanity. Constantly planning, and then dropping the ball on handling it. Most days, I need help to survive, but I don't say that. I'd rather be the strong one than the one who admits they can't do something. I hate pride, so often it is the source of issue. I know it gets me down, but I usually don't ask for help, because those who could help have struggles of their own. I see them, I hear them, because so often I am the voice of reason. And burdening those I care about is something I try to avoid.
I just keep telling myself, like my mama always told me, "What's meant to be will be." I don't stop working for what I want but I know I can't really control it either. Only continue on my path. And one day everything will be okay... it has to be.
I wish you a fabulous day beautiful humans. You're amazing!
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
She's The Quiet One With The RBF
It's frustrating for sure but I've been this way all my life so it's all I know. I have taken many strides to be as social is I am. To interact with strangers at a store. To hug family members. To not sit on the couch and just observe at family gatherings. To try to put myself out into the world the way the "people who succeed" do. Because let's face it, usually you have to be an outgoing extrovert to be heard. I'm not outgoing, and I'm not an extrovert. Although, I love being in public and feeling the energy of those around me, it's exhausting.

Don't judge people for not being like you. Don't assume they're mean because they don't smile and they're quiet. Don't intimidate them in to being like you. Understand that all people are different. All interactions aren't what you expect them to be. Don't assume you can't have a real friendship with someone just because they aren't talking your ear off. Sometimes those people need someone like me to do all the listening. But when I speak, take a seat a lend an ear. And when I need to recharge, don't take it personally.We can hang out on the couch and binge watch Big Bang Theory in silence and still be bonding.
This goes for family too. Don't treat your loved ones differently just because they don't stand out from the crowd. I've always felt the pressure from different people because I wasn't who they expected me to be just because we share blood. Realize, that isn't how biology works. We're not clones. And especially at the holidays, when you see family you don't see very often. There is no fault for being different. For observing. For being silent. Accept it. You wanna be loud and entertaining? We the quiet people appreciate the entertainment.
Have the happiest of all the holidays, beautiful humans!
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Yeah, that sounds like some crazy rambling... an unending mess of words but damn if it doesn't explain how I'm feeling right now in this very moment. Recently, some things changed. I made some decisions, some decisions were made for me. As is the flow of life. I'm stressed to the point of distress if you didn't notice. Things are out of control and I'm trying to control the things I can. Personally, I'm failing, but trying to keep that outward appearance of doggie paddling.
I have a pain that won't go away and I'm mad at the world and grumpy and I really don't like myself right now. Not even, in a self harm, self-deprecating kind of way. Just a tired of hearing myself complain, but tired of walking around in pain. Tired of expectations. Just tired. Need a serious mental health getaway like running away would solve the problems. Running away isn't logical but I'll be damned if it doesn't sound good amidst the chaos in my brain.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Carry On
Sunday, October 8, 2017
"Taby, You Know You're Fat, Right?"
Truth moment. In the summer of 2015 someone told me I was fat. To my face. And it hurt.
Since the 6th grade, I've always been the bigger girl. I had permanent RBF but I felt generally invisible. I had a small circle that over time got smaller. By their choices or mine. But eventually I found my tribe. The people who reminded me I was Beautiful. Period.
It was great. However, that didn't stop depression, anxiety, or self destruction. Tragedy in 2012 was the catalyst to my dark days and another tragedy in 2015 was my anticatalyst.
So here I am working my way through the fallout and someone tells me I'm fat. After everything I've been thru. And it stings. It stays with me in a way it shouldn't. I was mad at me and at them. As it turns out, that was rather important to my story.
I may have accepted me but I really was unhealthy and I had done a number on my body trying to escape reality. So in August of 2015, I made a change. A small change. I committed to 24 days. I charged it to a credit card (my massive credit card debt) and said if it didn't work, oh well.
I'd tried things before that didn't work. What's one more chance. I'm good at that, chances. But then, I lost 10 lbs and 15 inches in a little over 3 weeks. It sounded crazy, but I could see it so obviously it happened. I realized though that I felt better inside and out.
Focusing on my health helped me more than just physically. Mentally and emotionally I was being healed. I had hurt myself for so long and my being appreciated that I was being kind to it. It was a nice change.
So I stuck with it. Yeah, I don't always stay focused. I still fight with my anxiety and my depression. But I'm not falling down that spiral staircase like I did for 3 years. I've made positive changes. I eat better, usually. I workout for my strength and my sanity. I make time for me emotionally and spiritually.
I realize that I did myself dirty for so long and I deserve better. I deserve the love and happiness I put into the world... Even if I have to make it myself sometimes. That one I'm still struggling with, but admitting it's out there makes the idea of being happy a plausible reality. And that adds fuel to my fire of hope.
Have a blessed day, beautiful human!
Wednesday, September 20, 2017
Wake Up & Do The Things

I'm trying to "get my life together," whatever that means. I'm paying down my monstrosity of debt, I'm saving for my future, I'm splurging at the Walmart. I'm trying to feed my body and keep her moving and keep her hydrated. Walks alone on a trail, yoga with the yogis, sweating and hitting the weights. All little steps to better my physical self as well as my metaphysical self. My thoughts are my worst enemy at times and I can ugly cry with the best of 'em. I realize, I only get one life and there is no time for wasting away.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Player One Leveled Up

I do yoga at home... and sometimes work, but there's something awesome about doing yoga with like minded people. And there is certainly something magickal about St. Anne's Chapel. So Monday, I plan to join those like-minded folks and get my namaste on. Wanna go?!
Friday, August 18, 2017
Yell It From The Mountain Tops

Wednesday, August 16, 2017
Being Human Isn't Selfish

Friday, August 11, 2017
These Fields Are Never Barren

Tuesday, August 8, 2017
Dear Darla... I Mean Diary
Friday, August 4, 2017
Wake Up & Put Your Sassypants On

Wednesday, August 2, 2017
One Foot In Front Of The Other

Friday, July 28, 2017
(insert positive thought here)

I haven't written a single blog post in 568 days. I've written in my journal, like, the physical one. Pen to paper has a sense of pe...
We all know it's been a hot minute since I got my sweat on. Tomorrow, I will hopefully start Summer Sweat Camp ( https://www.faceb...
Heads up, I am passing all but one class and that class is English but I'm working diligently to correct it. I am tired so tired ...
No, this isn't some horror movie. But it's pretty close. I'm somewhere I'm not supposed to be. I have found security in ...