I write this blog for my heart but I hope it fills up yours. I want it to hit you all in your feels because that means I did something right. Writing is something I’ve found fills my cup. I found blogging the same way I found yoga… getting out of my own head by getting into it. I needed a way to get all these things that were causing stress and anxiety and worsening depression from burying in my soul. I know not everyone can control those things but I knew I had a chance. I knew I had a reason to try and a reason to live for. And I good put some positive vibes into the world while I was at it. Even without having kids of my own and long before I could, I’ve always been the “mother”. The nurturer. Often times the bossy one because I wanted what was best for those around me. Believe it or not my intuition is pretty on point. I be knowing things... Better ask somebody. Lol. But seriously. My compass may tilt sometimes but I know where True north is and I try to follow that path the best I know how even with a detour here or there.
I’ve said before that helping people is something that has always been on my heart but I never really knew how. Like where do you start? And who do you talk to? How do you help? What do they need? AdvoCare has given me an avenue to help people with their nutritional health. My new group for a fitness community has given me a road to help others with their physical health. My dreams of a yoga studio, that grew from my love of whole self wellness, will hopefully reach others one day as well. And this blog, while helping me mentally and emotionally has given me the opportunity to do that with others around me that I love and adore and maybe some I don’t know yet but surely love also. I may have a habit of loving “too much” but what does that really mean, anyway. It’s not gonna kill me to care about others and if it does, I went out the right way.

Knowing you’re helping others is a big motivator to not give up. Yes, you should know your value. You should know you’re worth it. But some days you need a reminder of just how far you’re reaching. You need to hear that it isn’t for naught. That your contributions are appreciated and validated. I’m sure that’s just us being human but it’s necessary. It’s a silent shout out but seeing that over the past 10 months and over 40 blog posts that so many people have heard my story, have read my word and maybe, just maybe took something away from it makes me so happy. I’m proud of those ripples. They keep me going just in case you were wondering. Thank you for caring enough to let me care.I appreciate your fuel for the fire in my heart. So what fuels your fire? What’s your motivation to keep going to wherever it is you’re going? How can I support you the way you support me? I’ve learned the best way to help people is to listen to what they need.

Tonight, I’m heading out for what is sure to be an amazing event in VA to fellowship with the ladies of the AdvoCare community for a night. I’m sure I’ll laugh and cry and be inspired and I can’t wait to have my cup overflowing. It's a perfect dose of self care to stoke the fires within. May your night be just as great. Here’s to a perfect #tbt on the radio for my mini road trip. Love you, you beautiful humans!