So the likelihood of sticking to a new year's resolution is a mere 8% chance. Those are horrible odds. But we normally pick resolutions that are great in theory and difficult in execution and have therefore set ourselves up for failure. It's a horrible cycle. I mean it's great that we have hope every year but to disappoint yourself over and over has to cause some sort of self deprecation. Instead of making one big resolution, I've decided to give myself mini challenges.

You don't have to spend every last drop of your paycheck every month. It's amazing how few people live within their means, let alone below their means. So I've decided to do it. For one month and if it goes well, another. People do no spend years. I'm not there yet, but maybe one day. For now, gas, groceries and bills will be my only expenses. I know I can do this and hopefully learn some tricks to better finances along the way.

I enjoy those calculations because it helps to know your body and how different things, exercise, nutrition and hormones can all cause fluctuations but sometimes it's good to just relax and see what happens. Just be in the moment. Something I learned from yoga. To not obsess and just be. I do have things I want to do in this new year that are just challenges. Like break the plateau into ONEderland and do more yoga and murder my debt but these are long term goals that I hope to continue forward with without fail, not just for a new year, new me situation.
I did try something new this year. I'm doing something that I've seen many friends do and that's assign myself a word. Over the last 6 months, I've talked a lot about not being kind to myself. Not giving myself grace. I decided grace should be my word for myself. No just to be kind and forgiving to myself for my actions and thoughts but for those of the people I surround myself with and for those I will meet along my path.

Grace is a tricky one for me as I'm sure it is for most people because even when I feel my heart is kind I know I catch an attitude when I shouldn't. I know I say things out of turn that aren't my business. I know I make judgements unfairly. I know I sometimes hold myself to an unlivable standard. To change these things, I must find grace in every situation that crosses me and I know that will be a challenge but it's one I feel is due my time and attention.
So here's to a new year. To finding the best solutions for me. For finding kindness for myself and those around me. To striving for my best, even when it's difficult. Here's to my best year so far and to yours too. Embrace this chance for a better chapter, beautiful humans!